Monday, October 11, 2010


Today I was reading the latest posts from other lovely blogs and decided to take a look at my own blog. To be honest, it's pretty bad. I don't know what made me use such odd language. Anyways I've decided that instead of posting a bunch of wordy posts with no images I'd rather start a tumblr and see what happens there.

So, goodbye blog! You were fun once, but now it's a little tedious.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Adieu Nanette

So, I failed at posting during my stay here. Tomorrow's my last day here in belle France. Just recently we went to Versailles where I only dreamed of. All of the things I learned from my books about Marie Antoinette heightened the excitement to be seeing this beautiful piece of history. We saw le Petit Trianon, le Grand Trianon, les jardins and of course le palais! I saw the Queen's domain and her country refuge. It was wonderful.

Which brings me to my subject of the post: Summer.

I am determined for this summer to be very memorable indeed. Lots of trips, lots of photos and lots of friends & family.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cocette (Complete with run of the mill Eiffel Tower photos!)


I'm in France right now, and have been for a month or so. I am a third of the way into my stay here and things got off to a rocky start. My exchange family is the complete polar opposite of my own so I had to take a little time to get used to it. I now go to a private school and I live in Normandy. And I also now have an expanded knowledge of cheese. I arrived in Paris and only stayed there for a day or so but I hope I can return and buy some pretty clothes!

Well I'll see what I can do about my lack of shopping opportunities.

For now I'm just enjoying the food!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dancing Fire

All images from WeHeartIt

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Lifetime in Two Months

Something wasn't showing right in the original post so here is the updated version. This was originally posted in January 2010.

It seems the winter holidays are times of change and yet I still cling to old tradition as if it were the edge of a high cliff. My hair is short, my room is painted and and my next 3 months will be spent in a foreign country. To say I've become a bit bolder these past months would be an understatement. As I slowly feel my eyelids drooping my mind rests on what I've accomplished in 2009 and what potential 2010 has to offer.

In this past year I have:

1. Created a portfolio of my amateur photographic adventures.
2. Met a new friend from another country.
3. Learned more about myself, which is ongoing in these teenage years.
4. Sang in the National Ballet of Canada's Nutcracker and met some lovely people who were a part of the production.
5. Read some very special books that are now close to my heart.
6. Watched my little brother grow up another year which is always rewarding.
7. Remembered a Grandad, almost lost an Oma and gained a cousin.
8. Finally figured out that Blue from Blue's Clues is a girl.
9. Kept a diary for a substantial amount of time.
10. Welcomed a little furry addition to our family, Ollie.

It seems to me that 2009 was a year well spent.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I can smell the winter cabins already.

Winter 09

Happy Birthday?

As I celebrate my 16th year, I am flooded with worry. What am I supposed to do with myself? I am in adolescent limbo, not yet considered independent and yet grown out of childhood past times. I think of what I'll say when I am older and wiser, what I'll think of my present actions. My prediction is that I shall laugh and kid about my naive and stubborn opinions of the world. And more importantly my dangerously vivid imagination. It kind of scares me how easily I can be enthralled with something and spend days, weeks even months lingering on it. How fickle.

Or I may just be a teenaged girl who spends too much of her time worrying about herself...